Thursday 3 February 2011

Letter to Read (No. 2): Timeline of a Day

Dear Ian,

I'm ever so sorry to keep you busy reading my letters.  However, since the news exploded on Tuesday and given that this is "a letter a day" project and today is Thursday, I have a bit of catching up to do.

OK, so now back to business.  I'm sure you'll approve.

I have to be honest, Ian, my friend.  I am royally p****d off.  I mean, it is a bit of a manic cycle that I'm suffering now since I have ups and downs, but let's focus on one problem at a time.

Why? you can ask. Thanks for asking. I'm angry because when I revisit the events from Tuesday I cannot be but absolutely appalled about the way the bomb was dropped.  So, let's get the facts right.  From the inside.

TUESDAY 01/02/2011
07:00 am: Alarm goes off.  Little "Letter to Read" wakes up.

07:15 am: Little "Letter to Read" sips some coffee, peacefully, looking outside of the window.  It is going to be a great day.

07:30 am: Little "Letter to Read" takes a shower.  It must remember to pay the electricity otherwise won't be able to cook a wonderful dinner that night.  Oh, and buy some bread.

07:45 am: Little "Letter to Read" is reading an article on the web about how the UK needs people to go into science and engineering careers.  "Damn right!", little "Letter to Read" says to him/herself.

08:00 am: Little "Letter to Read" gets dressed.  Is it the blue jacket or the maroon one today? oh the dilemma! the blue one.  Decided.

08:15 am: Little "Letter to Read" drives off to work.  Seagulls have pooped on car AGAIN.  "Letter to Read" thinks that those birds are evil.  Anyway, rather enjoyable the landscape.  Oh!, there it is: Pfizer. Lovely.  It is going to be a great day.

08:55 am: Little "Letter to Read" is a busy bee today.  Lots of exciting scientific work to do.

11:48 am: We receive an e-mail saying that there is a "Town Hall" at 12.45 in the Restaurant.  That sounds rather hurried? who's sick? is there a promotion? how exciting!  Hang on, there is something else on that e-mail.  It says that the Restaurant will work till 12.30, so we must all get there fast to buy some food!

12:45 pm:  The Restaurant is rather packed.  Sardines come to mind.  Not sure sure that this 'Town Hall" thing is a great idea.

12:50 pm: The Head of R&D says, after a VERY brief introduction that Pfizer had decided to close down Sandwich and all living things will be gone in 18 months.

01:00 pm: Little "Letter to Read" is quite SHOCKED and starts texting/calling other half.

Rest of the afternoon: A bit of a blur...little "Letter to Read" sees people crying but doesn't feel like crying now.  Feels a bit numb actually.

Did we know?  Nope
Were we prepared: Nope
Was this expected somehow: Nope

I must admit that the despicable way in which this was handled, has left me shocked and angry (well, I'm mainly angry because I'm losing my job but this didn't help).

I won't bother you anymore with my problems, Ian, but this had to be said.  I'm pretty sure that you have absolutely nothing to do with this and is all your minions' fault.  Minions! you definitely need to keep an eye on them.

Next time, when you *need* to make a decision like this, it would be rather nice if people could be prepared that this *could* happen (like a sort of, scenario, but a REAL one).  Communication of such news is definitely not easy, but a "no communication and shock" strategy is kind of lame.  And coward.

Oh, and by the way, it would have been good if you would have come to the site yourself, to deal with the gazillion questions that we might have had.  I know, you are busy.  I know, you gave clear instructions to your managers to be "there" "for us"  your people.  Thanks.  But it would have been kind of nice if you were there, you know, to face the bad news with us.

I'm afraid I'll have to let you go Ian.  Thank you very much for listening.  Talk to you tomorrow?

Yours truly,

Letter to Read

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