Friday 25 February 2011

letter to Read (No. 18): Friday

Dear Ian,

Pffff..thought I wouldn't make it! just came back from the pub, must be really careful not say too much!

Please find below the latest bit of inspired prose from one of our Sandwich colleagues.

Take care...and have a nice weekend everyone!

Letter to Read

What Ian’s response to Little LTR could look like  (5)

Dear Little LTR,

I am back at the helm!  Thank you so much for the flowers and your heartfelt note.  It meant a lot to me.  You seem to have some experience with getting through a bad patch yourself.  I wonder what that was


1 comment:

  1. HELLO! LTR2 reporting for duty!

    Here is my input on what a message from Ready might look like...

    Attention all little LTRs!

    Your fate has not yet been decided for you all, please continue to supply your soul to Pfizer Inc.

    The reason for the delay in my communication has been to ensure that you all dwell in the uncertainty as much as possible - also please feel free to leave the company whenever you like as this will save me money in redundancy.

    Yours unsincerely,

