Monday 28 February 2011

Letter to Read (No. 19): Answers! Pfizer & the Parliament :-)

Dear Ian,

First things first: Good evening! how was your weekend?  Interesting what happened today.  You wouldn't believe it.

Finally! some answers.  Awesome. I cannot believe it (almost).  Although they didn't come from you.  They came from the people that you sent to face the MPs enquiry today.  And let me tell you: that was super interesting!

We learned several things:

1.- Kindler, as late as November 2010 had a very amicable chat with our PM, David Cameron and said that everything was peachy.

2.- But he left :-(  and suddenly is all systems go to get rid of "a" site, somewhere (where, where?).  That's when you came, Ian.

3.- But nobody knew exactly what site.  Which was kind of annoying. Apparently the decision was taken on a whim, on the 24/01/2011

4.- However (!) the Head of the Sandwich site, with her enhanced telepathic abilities, decided that things were a bit "weird" and she could sense with her third eye that something rotten was coming so she decided to stop all recruitments from November 2010 on...even when said decision (see 3.-) was taken in January 2011 (huh?)

5.- We also learned that NOBODY in your Pfizer high management has read the article that Nature published on the 9th of February explaining in very simple terms that pharma companies (it was about Pfizer, actually) just play the wall street game without measuring the human consequences of their actions (they are not relevant after all!) and that the Pfizer shares are up, up, up! (and the Board is happy)

6.- But also then, just as confusingly as all the rest, we learned that some of them indeed had read that article (which is in this blog as well, for future reference) and,

7.- they were even objecting to the article after all because it wasn't accurate!!!!

8.- Only to say that they did exactly what the article said because it was common practice in the Industry, got it MPs? (this is getting awfully complicated)

9.- We also learned that the Head of the Sandwich site, relying on her inner eye has miraculously secured the nice job of Head of the Cambridge site (awesome) and

10.- that (at last!) around 150 people will go to the Pfizer Cambridge site.

11.- BUT, very importantly, Pfizer is committed to Kent.  So much so that the Head of the Sandwich site and the most valuable people from Pfizer Sandwich they can find are moving to Cambridge (huh?, are we running in circles here?)

12.- And the most incredibly AWESOME, MIND BLOWING and INCONGRUOUS statement of all, came from our beloved Olivier B, who, in a passionate declaration, said **triumphally** that Pfizer was committed to R&D and that they'll keep investing lots of money in the best places for research in the world, including the UK, of course!!! (I'm having a headache here)

There is lots more but honestly, I'll stop here today.

Feedback: they didn't look great, your people.  Actually, they looked a bit sick.  Mind you, it must be mind blowing to negotiate your way through a Parliamentary enquiry trying not to (without succeeding possibly) lie and trying to keep your job as well.

Comments Ian? comments anyone? I'll write a bit more about other stuff that we learned (and things we didn't learn!) tomorrow.

Since little Letter to Read is not one to lie, here is the link, so you can make up your own minds

Have a nice evening everyone. Sleep tight.  I know I will.


Letter to Read

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