Wednesday 9 February 2011

Letter to Read (No. 6): Chicken and Egg

Dear Ian,

Honest to God, it is difficult to write this letters.  What a mess!  However, I'm a good little trooper and I do keep my promises.  I know, I know, what can possibly be the value of one's word? but I do believe there is still some decency left,  and I want to honour the promise that I would write once a day.  Very difficult to find some decency in Pfizer's management, though.  What a bunch of liars.

Would you mind reading here? this is nonsense.  Check this out:
[Pfizer] was awarded with a Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) blue landmark plaque on 15 October 2010. The prize was in recognition of more than half a century of discoveries carried out by one of the UK’s leading companies, Pfizer. Its European research headquarters site is located in Sandwich, Kent. The company is widely recognised as having been at the forefront of many medicinal breakthroughs over the last fifty years.

The plaque was presented on behalf of the RSC by their immediate past president, Professor Dave Garner. Rod McKenzie, Senior Vice-President, Pfizer Research and Development said:
I am very proud to receive this award on behalf of Pfizer and our Sandwich site. Sandwich has long been a chemistry powerhouse, built on the passion and desire of generations of outstanding scientists to change lives for the better.  It is a wonderful testament to the many groundbreaking contributions to medicine Sandwich has made over the site’s fifty-six year history.
It is hard for me (and heartbreaking) to believe that you didn't know, Ian, at this time, that Pfizer Sandwich was doomed.  But of course, we must keep up appearances even if it means little sacrifices here and there!

Anyway, coming back to our business: what a mess! this is a chicken & egg thing: we (the little people) need to start looking for jobs because we know that we will be without a job soon , however, and this is the beauty of the thing: we don't know when we'll be out for sure, so we are scared to apply for jobs just in case we are offered a job...because we don't know when we'll be able to take it! WAIT. WHAT? WHY?

BECAUSE WE'LL LOOSE OUR REDUNDANCY PAYMENT IF WE "RESIGN" (oh, the irony, for goodness sake) even though we know for sure that we are out!.  Let me tell you Ian, in some cases, the redundancy might be significant.  I mean, significant for little people like us, with families, and mortgages, and mundane problems and stuff you don't need to worry about.

Isn't this messed up???? isn't this a fine work of art made by your lawyers????  I swear to God that if I need a therapist after this I'll send the bills to your office.

This, Ian my friend, is the stuff of nightmares.  A neurotic wait that will end in one way and one way only: we'll all get out of this with as little money as possible.  Who in his/her right mind will wait till the last minute to look for a job? plenty of people will leave before being told they must.  Which, will save you money.  I'm officially impressed.  I give it to you: it is all about money and Pfizer can make economies everywhere.  Even with the redundancy package of people who have just lost their jobs.

Anyway, Ian, tomorrow I'll try to write something a bit more upbeat even if I don't feel like it.  Let's see if I can make any of my colleagues smile because we seriously need cheering up.

Good night, sleep tight,

Letter to Read

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