Friday 4 February 2011

Letter to Read (No. 3): No News...Good News????

Dear Ian,

I have to tell you that the morale of your Sandwich troops is not the best right now.  Well, in fact, it sucks.  I'm not a happy bunny today.

It has appeared all over the newspapers that Pfizer would try to relocate as many employees as possible to other subsidiaries (we are talking about hundreds, not thousands, but a little gesture is well received!).

However, since Tuesday, and after these courageous declarations from Pfizer's spin doctors, NOTHING.

Which kinds of make we wonder about our redundancy package.  Word on the street and my feeling as well is that we are going to get screwed.  Sorry! I don't mean to be harsh, you know, but we can't deny that the relationship Pfizer-Employees must be at its historic low point.  Not our best moment definitely. But anyway, this will be dealt with in another letter.  One problem first, then the next.  This is the way little "Letter to Read" works!

OK, so, going back to the NO NEWS issue.  Why is that????  I'm getting a bit paranoid with Pfizer lately, not that I am Julian Assange of Wikileaks or anything (OMG! did I mention Pfizer and Wikileaks in the same sentence! I'm going to get fired! oh, it's done already, OK then)

Sorry, I digress....I have envisaged in my free time 2 scenarios as to why, oh why? we don't know anything:

(1) You didn't plan the aftermath or
(2) You are playing mind games

Now, let's tackle (1) first.  Again, there are two possibilities:

(1.1) You planned the whole operation a long time ago but with the Christmas parties and all you didn't have the time to plan properly the next steps, or,
(1.2) You made this decision like, last Sunday, after going to the pub, you drank too much, after a bravado you signed in all the papers detailing the demise of Pfizer-Sandwich AND sent it via FEDEX to the Board, so there was nothing you could do on Monday already.  So of course, you need to do the planning now.

Either way, not impressed.

Now, let's examine (2).  You are playing mind games.

I was watching on the TV the other day something about elephants (I'm getting somewhere here, please bear with me!).  Now, for these asian elephants to do all the little things that their masters want, they have to "break" the elephant.

I can tell you, Ian, that little "Letter to Read" (a.k.a LTR) is not one to give in, give up or be broken like the elephant on the TV.  In fact, little LTR thinks that he/she is so great that can even move things with his/her mind.  Moreover, LTR's mum is very proud of LTR's achievement and tells LTR that he loves him/her every day.  And I'm quite cool and good looking, by the way.

So, is Pfizer going to keep playing mind games with us? are the good and the mighty going to spend even more time saying nothing?

It is great time that you come up with some solutions here, since you and your Board have had the great idea of destroying a whole site and mess up with the lives of more than 2400 people and their families.

Looking forward to your reply,

Kind regards,

Letter to Read

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